Aural Training in the First Piano Lessons

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Today we are talking about the first piano lessons. These are such special lessons as your new student is introduced to the piano for the first time. When I was a young teacher I had a feeling of pressure in these early weeks of lessons. I thought I needed to rush ahead to make sure the child could play something and prove that the were progressing. However, these days (I much older teacher!) I spend as long as possible working on these early concepts. Time spent at the beginning is so valuable later on.

The first level of the PianoForte method is wonderful for taking time because there really is so much to do to help the student develop an strong aural foundation, and since aural development is the magic ingredient for learning music no time is wasted taking time with these concepts.

In this video we talk about introducing the first two solfa syllables, ‘So & Mi’. We talk about how and why these tones come first and how they present a perfect opportunity for developing healthy physical technique.

There is also a little sneak peak at the supplementary song Little Mouse which is found in the Printable membership.

Little Mouse is so cute - your students are going to love it!


Teaching Major Scales (using Moveable Solfa of Course!)


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